I haven't done a photoshoot post since 2009 with the Big Daddy suit at the Aquarium, but the Thomas helmet brought in some of the most beautiful shots I've ever had taken of my work. Pair this with the fact that Catherine of God Save The Queen Fashions created an absolutely perfect replica of Daft Punk's "Human After All" era leather costumes, and the overall illusion is simply spectacular.
As with my other entry, I would be remiss to neglect mentioning all the help I had with this project. It would not have come together without the efforts of the following people:
Coding for this helmet (Arduino and iOS) was handled by James Moss
The Daft Punk leather suit, which you see below, was fabricated by Catherine Jones of God Save The Queen Fashions
Chroming of the helmet and gloves was handled by Creations n' Chrome
Photography on this page is courtesy of Dan Almasy
Custom circuit board printing was handled by Batch PCB.com
Awesome DeLorean provided for the photoshoot by Derek Lukaschus
First, the recap video because if you don't want to read the process, at least you can watch it!
Now, onto the pictures!
Thanks for taking a look!
Want more pictures? Higher resolution? Check out my Flickr stream!
You Are The MAN!!!
I've been following you shortly before you started with the first Daft Punk Helmet.
So it is to me like a journey has come to an end.
Or is it?
I admire your work. Keep up ...
You're the best!!!!
anselmbe has a point. its seriously been a ride keeping up with your posts, and i love the madeon mashup you put with the video, sends shivers down my spine :)
Possibly one of the best replicas out there. I really like the leather too!
Amazing work. Beyond professional. I have been keeping up for about a year now and its so exciting every time you post new stuff, especially the finished product! And these pictures are gorgeous! It just makes me want one so badly. In fact...
I know you aren't some mass producing Daft Punk helmet machine, but I did see multiple molds in that video. Are they all almost to this state in perfection? And are they for sale? I know you probably get so many requests and I'm thinking that why me of all people should deserve one, but how many are you going to make now that you have a mold? I would just go to a replica store and get one but so far I haven't been able to find one and none are anywhere near your quality of work. I even asked my friend about him building one and he is working on a Guy Manuel helmet and he said he even facebook chatted you. However I am interested in the Bangalter helmet, and thats why this post makes me so excited! This is truly amazing work. You are an extremely talented individual. Thank you and if you could respond I'd be most grateful.
Vendes los cascos?
do you sell the helemnt?
I seriously want one. Fantastic Job! You need to take some of your work to Art Center College in Pasadena, CA to display it (it would blow our minds I'm sure) ! Can I borrow that for Halloween!!!?? :D
the photos look bad ass h! nice job
those gloves are just as epic as the helmet!
Just awesome. Magnific job. In the past, you was worked for Daft Punk???? I repeat, AWESOME!
Impresionante, expectacular!!!
Sick stuff.
Is there a way to purchase that helmet?
id like to buy one as well.
Wow, amazing!
how much would you say you spent on the whole project? i'm thinking about trying this out myself.
Just awesome! one of the best things i've seen in so many time... keep that way! We love it!
Another one who'd buy this helmet. I'd strongly encourage Mr Krix to investigate producing a run of these.
Win. Total win.
This plus the uncovered Daft Punk track makes me totally happy.
I can't tell if I like the helmet or your car more!!!
me gustaria saber el titulo de la cancion!
This is just crazy! You're the man! :)
Keep up the very nice work, it's just awesome to see the things you make!
Amazing work u did...thats amazing...
Photoshoot fantastic...
Keep on road
Phenomenal work!
I emailed you, so check your inbox please!
that is frickn' incredible!
you know i love your work and i wonder if you could sell me some one of those helmets...look im a guy and im 16...and i dont have the money to buy the parts of the helm...my birthday is close and i wonder if you could make me a price...im from chile...mi email is escandon_95@hotmail.com...please conctact me :D
PD:mi english is bad sooo i dont know how to write well ...bye
Your builds always set the bar and are so encouraging to up and coming replica artists like myself. Thanks so much and I look forward to your future projects !
I follow your blog for 2 years and you never stop to amazing me
please tell me how i get one 00rayray00@gmail.com
You sir, are a perfectionist!!
I would just go to a replica store and get one but so far I haven't been able to find one and none are anywhere near your quality of work. I even asked my friend about him building one and he is working on a Guy Manuel helmet and he said he even facebook chatted you. However I am interested in the Bangalter helmet, and thats why this post makes me so excited! This is truly amazing work.aghori
I would just like to say you did a spectacular job on this! Really! You have inspired me to make the "guy's" helmet as well. I plan on following your perfect example and DIY build thread. I just hope i may create a fine helmet just as you have. Not familiar with molding but i shall start with something easy like the handplates. Keep doing your hobby, the precision and aesthetics that you put into your work is beautiful. I plan on continuing watching your blog to see what new goodies you make. You should make a Deadmau5 helmet. Deadmau5 is a a electronic artist and he has his own unique helmet for his shows. Again great work and thank you for the DIY build (Do it Yourself) and thank you for the inspiration.
I want one too!! Please sell!! brown.tristan@gmail.com
VoidWhysper: I mean 4 months of actual work. There were months of time where this project had no progress made on it at all, times when I built other replicas. The "Four Months" is meant to refer to the actual time devoted to finishing the piece.
First, I actually came here after reading the absolutely amazing instructable you did on this project. I hope you've started thinking up ways to use that laser cutter, because that was easily the most generally informative posting I've ever see on the site. Also you're currently ranked third by views. Anyway... I voted for you.
That said I've since read your blog beginning to end(I'll admit to only skimming the Zelda entries, but I made up for it by looking at all the pictures from the related posts you uploaded to Flickr). I am, of course, very impressed.
This was a seriously high tech venture for you compared to past projects. I'm wondering if you feel comfortable enough now to take a pass at either modding the guy helmet or rebuilding it to have accurate LED displays. I know that might seem like a lot of work but just think how much faster the process will be with your cumulative experience and that shiny new laser cutter. ;]
Finally(the real reason I commented), you mentioned having an iOS app ready to go for this. You also mentioned the gloves being the biggest hindrance to implementing it's use. That functionality seems too good to pass up IMO, not to mention the endless options for expanded functionality for programming the display in real time. Daft Punk stage costumes vary, but fully equipped, they have backpacks housing electronics and at one point a power supply. While that seems like too much of a hassle for too little reward, they also wore left handed gauntlets controlling certain aspects of the display. You could easily mock up something in that vein to house an iOS device. If button pushing is also inhibitive you could make a stylus or even better, make a finger mod to the right glove. Just add a bluetooth earpiece and then you have full phone functionality as well.
Anyway as finished products both helmets still go way beyond expectations, and definitely outshine other attempts I've seen.
Well I'm off tho do further research on making my very own deadmau5 rig.
OMG I want to be your pupil.
Let me know all your knowledge
This is just fantastic ! The leather suit is so magic that i am going to buy one like this. What was the price that she ask you for the suit ?
I have the Thomas helmet too. I didnt know that we can send messages with the iphon to the helmet, what do i need to do so ?
Amazing work, big up !
Dude your just incredible, I want one so bad.
Hermitoooo sinceramente, el mejor trabajoo que he visto en toda mi vida!!!! felicitaciones... pero quisiera saber si puedo adquirir el casco y que precio tendria?
Great job ... Just awesome !
You definitely have a new french fan Harrison ;)
Thanx to share all that amazing work with us !
Keep on truckin' dude :D
WOOOW!!! Good Job!
Sir, I am completely serious when I say that I need to buy one. Are they still available? PLEASE LET ME KNOW. I BEG OF YOU.
Your humble servant,
I want that helmet...
Do you still have helmets available?
My e-mail is:
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