Yep! That's one of my N7 Valkyrie rifles, making the first on-screen debut of my props! (okay, technically one of my Portal Guns was in the background of the Sony "Michael" advertisement, but given how long its there for, it hardly counts...)
There's even been some mumbling over at the Mass Effect facebook page that some of the guns from the shoot may even be given away as special prizes.
I was asked to ship out 4 raw cast rifles to Prague last November for this spot, and I'm just blown away by the results. Muzzle flash! Exploding Geth! Bad Ass N7 Armor! (no idea who made that, but damn its beautiful)
Thanks to the internet and the attention this little blog receives, I get to be part of amazing projects like this. I have no idea how I managed to make crazy stuff like this my fulltime job!
Speaking of Mass Effect 3, I recently re-visited the N7 Valkyrie project for the people over at Bioware. Over the month of February, 4 more Valkyries were produced and are currently awaiting shipping. The red one - that is to say, the canonically incorrect one - is my personal Valk.
Thanks for reading, following, and sharing my work - it's stuff like that that makes jobs like this possible for me!
Mass effect is the best universe i have ever known. I'm so glad to see your work used for it. You deserve it :)
That's exciting, congrats!!! Your work is amazing, you deserve the success you're having!
Congratulations! I am just so happy that your amazing work is being recognised by a larger audience. :)
Mass Effect is a major milestone in game development and I'm glad to see your creativity has been recognised and used in the live ad. Those guns are eyewateringly beautiful.
Mass Effect is awesome. If you ever need an apprentice. I would be happy to work for free.
(But I live in Australia D:)
Bravissimo. Congratulations! When I saw the commercial, my first thougts were for you hahaha. Now I envy you like ten thousand times the way I envyed you before hahah ;)
Anyway, congratulations again and my best wishes for your future projects =). I'm in hope someday I will do stuff half amazing than yours hahaha =)
That's amazing, congrats to you ! i wish we'd see them better but that's already super neat !
how do i get my hands on one of these? they are amazing and i would be the luckiest man alive if i could get one
My god *_*'
Congratulations! Your work is incredible, and you deserve all the recognition. You continue to inspire the rest of us to try using our own hands, creativity, and skill - only wishfully aspiring to your quality.
OMG thanks to this article I just found out that I walked trough the set of ME3 live action trailer. Excuse me, I'm having hearth-attack. :) The Chinese street market was near Prague subway station Vltavská. Dammit I knew something wasn't right... Omega Market signs around the place.. :-D
I really hope there is a giveaway like they said.
You sir, are amazing.
I really want to buy one. THis is my favorite rifle in the game and I'm so tempted to make one for myself, but I lack the materials and resources and expertise to actually do it myself. If my house didn't burn down, I'd attempt to do it. For now, I will try to find someone who makes these or has one and is willing to sell me one. Probably at an upcoming convention.
Your work is incredible! I live in Midtown and am trying to figure out what to do for DragonCon this year. I'd love to commission some work and be a part of your crew!
Will you post a guide to making these, or can I just pay you to make me one?
wow I am largely impressed with your work. I might need to ask for your advices when I start building my own custom helmet. You'll be hearing from me a lot.
Man oh man if I had the creativity to do this, I so would. Your work is AMAZING. I would so purchase one D:Just to hold it or put it up on a shelf.
Fantastic detail. Really :) You must have endless patience to make Four of these babies.
Do you also sell you're weapons you make? If yes do you have some sort of shop/ebay page?
That's incredible. I wish to have one :)
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