While finished props sitting on a white background are always nice for a simple portfolio piece, I had to see what my helmet looked like with a complete set of armor!

Manzi DeYoung is the model and builder of the Iron Armor/weapons and Dragonborn costume shown here (armor and cloth work? This lady is going to take all my clients!) After following her comment to her own facebook fanpage, I dropped her an email asking if she wouldn't mind doing a shoot with her armor and my freshly finished helmet. I got a very enthusiastic "yes" and we were off! All photography work is credit to Max Song.

A few medical issues prevented the final shoot from lining up with my blog post about the helmet build process, but the results were worth the wait and I think its better to showcase cool pics like this on their own post instead of after along build log anyways.
I think its worth clarifying a second time just in case anyone missed it: The only thing I made here is the helmet. Manzi is a fellow prop maker out on the west coast, and the armor she's modeling is a result of her efforts, not mine!

If you'd like to see some more of Manzi's work, you can check out her website here. I've only posted a handful of my personal favorite shots from this photoset, but more can be found (and, as always, in higher resolution!) on my Flickr page.

Thanks for reading!

Amazing as usual.
Unbeliveable, looks like Skyrim CG...
Still not sure if this is a compliment to you or to Bethesda... :D
She is so pretty, and very talented for her work on her costume, Everything looks amazing. Oh, and your helmet looks great too lol.
Great job!!! :O It's fantastic!!!!
She looks to clean, her hair is too clean, her leather troos are too clean. The armour looks rusted, which as always, looks excellent. The scene looks incongruous. Dirty her up some, add some oil and lank to the hair, soil those leather troos, stain that fur and it would look great.
The only reason I can comment about the look, is you've done too good a job on the metal armour. The rest looks out of place.
Oh man - i think i am going to die from the sheer epic of all of this.
You are quite an inspiration. Thanks for sharing! Your helmet is the bestest thing ever ever ever
Awesome costume!
i love it!!!! i want one!!!
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