Build Archive: Part 1 - Part 2 - Helmet Q&A
If you want to know the details, grab a drink and follow along. For those of you who prefer the "instant gratification" route however, indulge yourselves in the following. Want more without reading all the boring build notes? Scroll all the way to the bottom for more prettiness, or visit my Flickr page for higher-rez pics:

Want to learn how to make a daft punk helmet in 3 minutes? Don't blink.
Now, for the build. We last discussed the golden bucket nearly a year ago. It was a last-minute test piece with a webbed visor and so-so chrome. The wiring color on the rear dome was incorrect, and the visor was tinted much too dark to see out of comfortably.

I set about pulling another copy.

This time the chroming task was handled by yet another shop - Creations N Chrome in Valencia, California. After an initial teething process in which we learned NOT to bake the helmets in an oven for them to dry, I was treated to one of the glossiest painted chrome finishes I've seen yet on my hand-sculpted form.

I also took this time to create a color-accurate wire dome for the rear of the helmet. Despite the holiday feel to the color scheme, its canon-accurate to Guy Manuel's actual piece. In it went.

Yes, I promised you pretty lights. First, I had to teach myself to design circuit boards. After some research online, I found a program called Eagle from Cadsoft, and set about learning the interface. Many of my boards went through dozens of revisions as I found ways to make them smaller and more efficient. Here are a few shots of the final designs (top silkscreen and top copper only)

These were sent out to a company called for printing. 5 weeks later, I had my boards! In the interim, I also lived on the Digi-Key website. All components except for LEDs were purchased through Digi-Key. LEDs came from I know it sounds like I'm hocking just about every single place I used here, but I'm bound to get emails about this eventually. Hopefully if I toss all the info out there, it'll help other builders when they give it a shot.
So, with boards and components finally together came the soldering.

...and more soldering...

...and then some more.

Once the boards were made, housings for the colorbars were built from styrene sheet.

These were mounted to a vacuum-formed black styrene dome to make sure their shape lined up with the helmet.

Having the housings built meant I could start building the wiring harness for all the lights. There is over a mile of wire wrapped around the inside of this dome.
To diffuse the light inside the housings, white foam pads were placed over the LEDs. These each had corresponding gel sheets that would eventually be glued over the LED boards and foam.

Here's the rainbow lighting rig being assembled.

All of the signal and power would come from this black box, which houses the Arduino and AA batteries. A DB9 serial connector bridges the harness and the Arduino. There are three controls on the box - one switch that turns the lighting on and off, and 2 potentiometers which change the speed and pattern of the lights.

I have to give a MAJOR shout-out here to James Moss, who programmed the Arduino for me. I discovered pretty early on into this project that I had no mind for coding whatsoever, and set about finding someone who did. Thanks to YouTube, I ran across James' own Guy helmet build and asked him if he could program my lighting array. The results you see in the videos below are examples of his stunning work.
The last of the lighting was the color bars at the "chin" of the helmet, and the EKG meters in the ears. I sourced a local printer to laser-cut vinyl decals for me, and adhered these over translucent white acrylic to make masks for the LEDs.

When mounting the lighting rig, I wanted to make sure no light escaped into the inside of the helmet. All of the light areas were blacked out with thin foam 3M weatherstrip adhesive to make sure they stayed put.

Both the lighting rig and the rear wire dome were affixed to the helmet using T-nuts and allen screws. The bases were glued in place with plumbing epoxy.

After the lighting rig was secured, I started routing wires and mounting the boards.

Not wanting these to get damaged, I used a scrap piece of formed styrene sheet to make a protective cover which would keep the boards from getting knocked around or broken.

On top of this and on the sides of the helmet, I added layers of foam padding to grip the wearer's head.

And finally, the inside was fully lined in automotive headliner fabric for comfort and style! Despite how it looks, visibility is actually quite good! Hearing anything with all this padding around your ears? Thats another story.

The first test-fire of the final piece:
The final piece. Finished and it feels so good. If anyone is going to ComicCon 2010, you might see this thing in person!

Below are a few pictures taken by my friend Jennifer Barclay around Atlanta. I managed to cajole her into following me around in the ridiculous humidity, taking shots and answering all sorts of "what is that?!" questions. My last day with the helmet was a memorable one, and her shots are truly fantastic.

As always, thanks for reading!

Congrats dude, you've created something spectacular.
The Helmet is awesome!
you are awesome man!
I for one would pick up that hitch hiker any day!
Thanks so much for documenting this project so well and openly. I have been working on the past 3 months on my own build with lots of help from your photo stream. I'm working on putting the project up on my site,, but in the meantime I can tell you it will have RGB light bars!
Thank you very much for taking the time to chronicle your build process. I thoroughly enjoy reading your site. Keep up the great work!
Holy $#!t, that is amazing! Please open up a sweat shop and mass produce these. Or at least make a few more and sell them; I'll start the bidding at $500.
And I can order one how?
I wanna buy one!!
Atlanta? You're not by any chance going to be at DragonCon, are you?
That is amazing..simply brilliant.
Don't suppose you would create another one to sell?
uummmmmm. That is awesome.
holy. awesome.
It appears you have made a few, I would very much like to purchase one from you. If interested please contact me with your fees!!
OMG, this is beyond amazing.
Nice and great work!!! Won't you sell it?
Just saw this on Gizmodo! Great job. I have subscribed!
I'd buy one of these in a heartbeat given the chance. Give me a price and I would fulfill it.
Awesome! You should bring it by the Atlanta Hacker Space some Tuesday night..
I read through your entire diary and WOW, what an amazing job! The pics taken by Jennifer really have a futuristic and abstract feeling!
Absolutely marvelous to see what you've created!
Keep up the good work! ;)
17 months to build one, he's not selling more :p
This build has been epic, and I'm glad that I could follow along and see the amazing final product. Thanks for sharing
Absolutely Stunning
you should definitely sell those...i'd buy those
f'n beautiful
Awesome work.
I am highly interested in purchasing or arranging some type of deal for the helmet. Let me know details please.
Have Daft Punk seen it? They should take you on the road.
Fantastic work, always a pleasure to see new updates to your site.
You'll have Hollywood on your doorstep soon enough.
are they for sale? if so, how much?
That's totally killer! This thing came a long way since last D*Con. And I'm totally pissed I missed you at the Majestic! I'm there enough I can't believe I didn't see you.
Congrats again on an amazing build.
I don't think you've ever mentioned who the helmet was for. Is it anyone we would know or could keep an eye out for? What are the chances of this amazing helmet turning up in the media or somewhere we might see it in the future?
Excellent work, as usual. If you ever open a shop please consider me for an apprenticeship position. In the meantime, I'll try to keep this old waterjet running while I wait for you to call.
I'm speechless. Incredible.
i have legiterally no words for how ridiculously amazing this is. thank you so much for posting! HOW MUCH?
it looks so frickin beautiful!!!!
brilliant work! thanks for documenting it so well.
that may be one of the coolest things i've ever seen! frickin' fantastic. have fun at comic-con!
Daaaaaang that helmet is cool! Good job man!
I hope through this amazing piece you inspire people to build their own beautiful creations instead of trying to buy genius
an awesome masterpiece!!
Best Daft Punk Helmet i've ever seen, you're a f*****g genius.
If you put it on sale, i would buy one =O
Awesome work !!!
I want one !
Please let buy one and send it to France !
Pleaaase !! Your job is awesome !
I dare to say this is the most AWESOME thing I ever seen.
You're truly a genius
well, we miss you on the 2002faq forums, but if this is the stuff you're turning out...WOW! great work man!
Super sweet. Love to get some pics and video at Comic Con. Where you going to be?
c'est juste hallucinant !!!
Absolutely amazing. Great work!
Guy, you are really fantastic! It's so hard to do this, but you could do this and it's so awesome!
it's very amazing helmet, but it's a pity that you are not in Russia, i would have bought one of this :(
Congrats man! I'm in the design business too, this video is a really nice recap of every step of moulding and so on.
Congratulations man! Love this mould design process, nice video. Keep on rocking!
This is one of the coolest things I have EVER seen. MORE.
Hi, how much does it cost to you? If you are going to make it and sell it please send me a twitter message @daburo.
Congrats for a great job!
Great Job love the lighting , one question is it waterproof ? it would really suck if it wasn't and it was raining . lol
These updates have been great. For Thomas' helmet do you think you can do a video worklog similar to what this guy did?
What hasn't been said that I can comment on? Incredible, delicious, intricate, masterpiece, supercedes the creation of Earth, on par with Cylon evolution...
Wow...just wow. It is now deemed RAD.
Awesome! =)
This is absolutely totally crazy and awesome !
:O I've only one thing to say : Bravo !
cant wait to see some pics of you cursing in your bmw with that helmet
I just saw you on G4TV's coverage of Comic Con.
Like alot of people i too am interested in how much you would charge for one of these to be produced for sale... i'd love to do something like that but i lack the skill :(
How much would it cost to buy a replica helmet like that from you? That thing is AWESOME.
I Want One !!!
Fantastic job man :)
That is pretty incredible. Very well done, sir.
Dude, so seriously I would pay a couple hundred bucks for one of these. I. WANT. ONE. Please tell me you are deciding to sell these. If you do let me know @emerywells
This is incredible work harrison. I know you aren't selling and i'm sure you have several other posts to respond to, but i just had a few questions to ask. I don't do any of this professionally but it's something i've been taking a liking to. I was mostly wondering, this reverting back to your part 2 post, exactly how your silicone mold was created. Also, what did you use for the inside of the mold to retain it's shape? Any information regarding the molding process would be helpful. A reply here would be great, but if you could send to my email, it would be very much obliged.
My dear, that was astounding. A standing ovation. Might be worth selling the design to an elite costumiers, you'd make an absolute mint.
And to Zzemeryzz - ya think he'd sell SEVENTEEN MONTHS worth of dedicated, loving work for a couplahundred? *blinks* Look out of the window - the real world is out there. ;)
As a modelmaker and prop builder in the realm of advertising for almost thirty years, I'd like to applaud your work as well. I would be proud to call something as well crafted as that helmet my own, Congratulations on a job well done.
Hi Harrison, thanks post posting all of your project details. The end product was amazing, so your building method is amazing.
WOW just wow. words cant describe this.i feel like i accomplished something just by looking at this. i am increadibly impressed. i am just wondering how much this cost to make. i am trying to make my own daft punk spinoff and i wanted to learn how to make this. Also i believe i saw you at comic con this year. yep in the exhibit hall. i saw you walking around with a working helmet i was amazed! excelent job. BTW my name is harrison also. so maybe ill have some luck!
You. Are. My idol!
Just plain awesome build :)
great job man!
i want buy you one!
how much is it?
When I get sad, I stop being sad and come see this page instead.
True story.
dude you are elite!
whats the going price for a mask like this please let me know?
That is fantastic. I am in awe but it must be very hot to actually wear. I wouldn't dare argue design with a man that created this, but have you considered leaving slots or a drill pattern in the pieces covering the electronic control modules and the piece they attach to? Both would be covered in their own right, by wires and the interior fabric, and would allow some ventilation. Of course, I can't imagine it would be worn for an extended period of time so I doubt ventilation is a serious problem. Amazing though.
What is the value? Want to buy..
My email
congratulations for your hard work ^^
Awesome man!
Just a few quick questions I would be grateful if you'd answer. I'm a prop builder myself and am getting started in wanting to turn it into a business/career. I listened to your podcast - you mentioned having a background in furniture design and building. I want to go back to college to pick up more experience but am having trouble in figuring out what I should go for. What things would you recommend, or would want to go learn for yourself, getting trained for in your props?
Also, what substance do you use for your rubber and resin molds?
Last stupid question - how much did you end up charging for those Hei, Darker Than Black Daggers you made a while back? I only ask because I got commissioned to make the same prop, and I just happen to wonder what someone else might have charged for them. I'm commenting from my google account so hopefully you can, if you get a moment, email me replies.
Thank you!
I want one!I can offer a week in my B&B In Roma(Italy),for free!^__^
I want one!I can offer a week for 2 person in my B&B,in Rome(Italy), for free^__^
agreed... i would love to purchase one since i have no means of producing my own!
hay can u plz sell me one looks like u have several copies?
I don't wear a helmet, but I'd wear that!
You're my hero. I'm only 15 but I hope that I can grow up to be as cool as you AND have a kick-ass job like yours.
I WANT ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tremendous! Way to get your most excellent nerd on! Do you have a website of all your creations?
This is amazing ! You are a good designer!!!
Amazing helmet, but you need to amp up your style a bit son. That shirt and those pants do not do the helmet any favors! ;)
After noticing you were posing at the majestic diner, your awesomeness factor jumped like 10 points.
Dude, you are a God! that was EPIC!!
I must say I am really impressed by your work... It feels good to follow your work step by step and see the grand finale, which rocks btw!!!!
You have found a fan!
Congradulations Harrison!
(if you ever come to france, let me know!)
Amazing work, when I'm rich and famous I will have to commission something from you :)
You have stones
You should make the other helmet aswell
I was wondering how you went about the visor for this helmet. I'm working on a Kingdom Hearts project now, and the visor has us a little stumped. Any insight would be most appreciated.
how much for a helmet like yours?
Jaysus, you are my ___ hero.
Haha Everybody want to buy this helmet, you're about to get rich, my friend. :)
Btw, I do want a copy too. ;)
I can order one how, please?
If you would like to make another for sale... doesn't have to be AS epic, im 19 yr old who just lost his job so not a big baller at the moment... or make one out of my motorcycle helmet please contact me about pricing. I'd sell my Apple stocks to ride my bike with that helmet on halloween... every year lol
with the skills you have at this wonder if you could make version kinda like this for a female iron man costume ? a The Iron Party Girl suit ...
Very interested in purchasing one. please email me if possible:
I know alot of of people asked this already and it must be getting annoying but do you sell them? And if so for how much? Email is
Its the third link, guys - right there at the top. "Q&A" will tell you everything you need to know about purchasing, but the short answer is this:
No. I am not making/selling/producing any more, and this one isn't for sale. No, I won't make a special exception for anyone. Sorry, but I've moved on to other projects.
Bonjour Volpin
Je suis français et je pense que si tu arrives a faire de tels merveilles, tu arriveras surement à lire ce texte.
J'admire l'intégralité de toutes tes œuvres, tu es une personne extrêmement douée et même si tu reçois ce compliment de la part d'un adolescent de 15 ans, prends tout ce que je dis à cœur car je suis aussi un "future" Info Graphiste et tu es ma première source d'inspiration. On peut cherché n'importe où sur le web, on ne trouvera JAMAIS de tels répliques de ton casque de Daft Punk "Guy's Helmet".
Chez moi je suis en train de fabriqué le casque Daft Punk "Thomas B. Helmet", et quand (tous les jours) je vais sur ton blog... mon casque fait a base de papier cartonné enrobé de papier de verre devient vraiment la HONTE des casques comparé au tien.. si brillant.. éclatant.. Même si le vrais casque de Guy's comporte 1032 LED quadrichromies, ton casque contient des détails à la perfection du vrais incroyables... tous les jours je rêve que en allant sur ton blog, tu ais commencés le casque de Thomas B... et que quand tu l'ais finis tu veuilles bien le vendre à un pris pas EXTRÊMEMENT élevé..
Alors je t'en prie, je t'en supplie Volpin, FAIT LE DEUXIEME CASQUE MAINTENANT !!! é___è ...
...que je puisses au moins prendre exemple sur toi....
This is really something that's lack for a better word magnificent, much like the other people I too would like to become owner of this piece of work. Which is beyond what I would ever presently have the ability to do with out the room for it. Please let us know if you are/would ever sell a piece of work such as this.
You are the hottest creature on the planet, and I know that is an understatement. I hope someday I can have the skills, patience, money, time, and access to awesome equipment to create one of my own someday.
Absolute fantastic, But please if you can tell me how can i get the Daft Punk Helmets blue prints i'll be really greatfulll. Thanks.
PD: It's not for competition, It's for a 3D Model. Thanks
hi mate, awesome work,
i got a solution for not being able to hear anything,
mount 2 small speakers where the ears are.
and hook a up a tiny amplification microphone somwhere on the outside.
Hello, I was wondering if you were selling any of these helmets? I would be interested in purchasing it. Here is my email:
congrats! it looks epic. i just wanted to know how much the entire project cost you and if you would be interested in making more or selling it? please email me at
Did you ever get mistaken for daft punk?
thats just amazing
i want to buy one of your helmets :)
impressive. looks awesome. is it possible to buy one off you?
please email me:
thanks cheers
it's fantastic ! you sell one of your helmets ? mail me please
sometimes i wish i had superheroe's powers, like superman's. but would be fine just be human like batman or you.
You are my idol!
Nice job, dude! What about the other helmet? Can you make it too? :O
I realize I am probably a little late to the party but I would really be interested in buying one of these. I realize it takes an extreme amount of time and work, but if you're still open to taking commission on these I am more than willing to talk business. I am a HUGE fan of this band and have been wanting to cosplay Guy for years now, I just lack the skills to build anything like this. Also, have you ever thought of making Thomas's helmet?
May I have a thorough detailed explanation for me to make one?
Hey, this is really cool, this is really impressive the amount of work you've put into this. I would really like to play around with the electronics and learn some of the stuff you did. I would really appreciate it if you could share the schematic and component details. Also, can I ask how much it cost you to get the circuit boards made and what it cost to have the electronics programmed for the light show. Thanks. my email is
ok i have been making one for a little bit now, about 2 months. i now need to start working on the electrical parts (lighting and control box). could you send me an email to with instructions. i need things like how you programed the light sequences, where you bought you led, resistors, and circuit boards, and all of the wiring. it need some help with this really bad because i am completely stumped on this.
i want to buy one!! how can i buy it??
WooW nice job
IAm from SaudiArabia and i want one plzz
how much is it?
FOR BUY ?????
I think your missing a lot of lights there but good job looks so awesome.
hello im ten and me and my best friend want a helmet do you think you can make a guy and daft punk helmet for us well pay $750 in cash when the job is finished tell us who to pay it to and the deal is done
Motherfucking cool! i think i can build this thanks for the teaching man :)
I read lot of people want to buy and make offers about 500 or 750 $ !
HEY GUYS ! Wake UP !
I think, you can count about 5000$ minimum for these kind of works.
That is an incredible helmet, i saw the video for it and considered trying to build one of my own, but i just read the entire log and...maybe not. Great job on the helmet, keep it up!
Heya! This is exceptionally well done!
I'm not new to the field of costuming insofar as I've been a participant in it for many years, but only recently have I started getting into doing my own work. It's far too amateur to want to post anything as of yet.
I was wondering if you may be willing to open a dialogue with me with some pointers? IE: The names/types of materials I may want to ask for (what kind of silicon, and possible places to find it, plastics types), perhaps other tutorials geared for rank-beginners that you may know of that're good (as far as you're concerned), maybe any tips and tricks you can think of.
I've next to nothing at the moment, so I'm pretty much starting from scratch. I'm in a thriving film community (Vancouver, Canada), but it's a VERY tight-lipped community. It's very difficult to get any kind of information to get started without having connections.
I'd like to be able to pull off something like this in a few years from now. And go to a convention cosplaying something I've made to this quality. One can only hope!
Thanks VERY much for posting this... it's gorgeous!
so can i place a order yet? will you be taking any orders for 2011? if so please let me know and email me at thanks!
Hi everyone,
Ive now released the source code for the Arduino controlling the LEDs on this helmet over on my blog:
You know you want to hook another graphic designer up with one of those beautiful constructs of nerdom. PRETTY PLEASE WITH A CHERRY ON TOP? :D
You've inspired me. I'm attempting to create this masterpiece. Probably won't ever be as good as the one you've made.
@ Valentin Touati
outsourced to China and built to this quality one could expect to pay 50 USD...
i've found your video casually on youtube.
very good compliments
this helmet is beautiful
you are my hero and i want to be like you whn i grow up (:
he is daft punk, whats wrong with u ppl. LOL
You do know some people would pay A LOT for something like that don't ya? AWESOME. Want one. If I had 1million dollars, I'd give you. lol
cuanto me costaria que me hagas un casco de esos junto con los guantes , tambien de Guy-Manuel de Homem-Christo?
I must have this helmet!!! Can I buy one off you, jajajajaja :D!!!
It's possible know the size of the helmet? By the way you have created he best helmet of the world
Yes, you said that you are not selling them, but.. I'm ready to pay 2500$ right now for it.
If interested, please drop me a line!
Un copia increibleeeeeeeeeee, te super felicito por el trabajo que le metiste a eso.
That getup is so excellent that I think it may need to be worn out on the town on a regular basis!
inside your ardunio box, can you show a wiring diagram of it? just asimple sketch. from the angle the picture is taken i can not do one myself like i have done for the other components of the helmet. and is there a breadboard inside the box also? can you email me at much help would be appreciated thanks!
who has time to devote a whole year to making a helemt? i mean, seriously, this is amazing, but you better be mass producing it and making tons of money selling these things at comicons and daft punk concerts and shit like that. seriously, most people would rather spend $200 on the thing than give up seven months to making the damn thing.
hi! I love your work! I started my helmet ... but I lack the electronics. could you send me more details! please my e-mail is "" :D
You'll be known AROUND THE WORLD for this.
Desde Catalunya et dic noi, Ets un crack !!!
(From Catalonia I tell you dude, you're the f*****g master)...
That is awesome dude. But what about making the front part? The one in the middle. It's just a recommendation. Still your job is awesome. Keep it up.
I'm gonna try this.
I've never rly made anything b4, but im gonna try.
Freshman year of high school means that the next 10 yrs of my life are limited to focus on work. This is my last chance...
That's awesome. I want to buy the helmet and the gloves :)
nice and very good work i have a question can you send me the scheme o f the leds but saying the components that go in the circuit board please :)
how can i buy this helmet ?
please answer me as fast as you can !
thank you
bro this is amazing if it does happen to be for sale i will no bs pay mad cash for this and gloves (if you have any). hit me back please and thanks for all the cool pics.
..Might even be better than the real thing!
I would like to see the exact coding for the arduino if possible. Because I am trying to build a Guy Manuel helmet as well. I have everything else in order, except for the coding. Please and Thank you
I come from Belgium and I would also like the coding , please, it's for a school work, the link on the james Moss website is invalid... you can contact me by mail
thank you
How much would all this cost if I were to make one?
Fono 82363993 said...
Sell it pls 4 me!! and shipp to chile!!
will be glad!
Too bad I don't have the means to do this - and there is no way to purchase such awesomeness. :(
But seriously, why not? You made the mold, learned to do all that and .. for just doing it once? :)
Well no, of course I respect your choice not to sell it(/them)- I bet it would be hard work.
But at least SOMEONE should start making these - as there'd surely be a whole lot of eager buyers. I'd easily consider buying one - even if it'd be damn expensive.
Must have taken some serious patience and talent to make it. good job.
Dude, awesome work! :D
how much would something like this cost? i'm very interested in purchasing one if you have multiple
i want to buy one head gear like manul... the golden one... can u plz tell me its price
You ever think of making a kit so ppl and just glue it together. I'd pay anything for one
Hi there, I see many many comments on going about how to purchase one. I would really like to buy one too, I'd pay up to $700 for just the chrome finish without any electronics. Would you be open to commission?
Will you sell them ?
I'm thinking about using one of those for my DJ events, but I probably don't have the fundage. How much did it cost to make that?
I know this is kind of asking for a lot, but would it be possible to give me a list of all the electrical components you used, including resistors, capacitors, LEDs, etc. And can you send me the Eagle and Arduino files? My email is . I know that this is really asking a huge favor, but I really want to make one of these helmets, and I know a few things about electrical systems, but this stuff is just out of my league. Thank you.
I applaud your amazing work, I would be amazed to make one that good. I have been looking for pepakura files for a while. Yours is by far the best. Could you please share it(and or the tron one) with me? I will not upload or distribute them or anything, as that is a jerk move. I have already made one or two pepakura models, but didnt like them enough to finish them. Please send the files to
Can you write a list on all the items needed to build this?
Interested in Buying one... If possible contact me
This is amazing!!! We tried something similar with a darth vader helmet. We used the brightest strip lights we could find
I like your idea better though.
peeeples, dont buy his make your own! thats the point :)
ive already made one and it only cost me 40$ + a broke motorcycle helmet.
(pretty sure $40 is better than $700. . . .)
You mentioned the black box which includes arduino. Where is this box located in the helmet? Or is it perhaps outside the helmet? Also, since the side of the box includes the potentiometers and the switch, how are you to manage them wearing the helmet at the same time?
OMG! Good Job! Congrtulations! it's so beautiful, it's perfect! same as the original
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