I was commissioned to make 2 replicas of the daggers that Hei uses in the anime series
Darker than Black
Since I was making 2 of these and they're symmetrical, I decided to sculpt one half of the blade. This would be molded and cast 4 times in resin, then the resin halves assembled to make 2 complete knives. I started out by cutting the rough shape from illustration board.

I then skimmed this in apoxie sculpt to give me the beveled edges of the blade and hilt.

After bondo, primer and shaping, the finished piece was mounted to a piece of MDF for molding.

I used RTV silicone to make the mold, and casting resin for the blades.

6 copies were pulled in case I made any goofs. The mixture of resin wasn't right on the upper right blade, so that one was scrapped.

Since the casting resin isn't terribly rigid on its own, I carved recessed out of the blade and hilt to hold a 3/8" steel rod to act as the core. These were glued in with gorilla glue, which expands as it dries and will ensure a tight fit.

Both blades got 'da clamps, and dried overnight.

After that, its time for bondo, primer, and sanding! yippee.....

I originally finished these in a "clean" look, but discussed with my client the option of weathering them to make them appear more realistic. After a bit of hesitation, but it was eventually decided to go ahead with the realistic treatment:

Here are a couple more shots of the finished blades:

Da clamps! Love it.
one of your easier projects. Still interesting though. Cant wait to see what other projects are in store for you.
great work!
neat dagggers, ill buy them off of u ^^, im really looking forward to completing my costume
Really admiring in your job... >__<
Uuugh~!! I want it to.... T______T
I want it ! I want it !! T_____T
Ng, may I get your email to ask several question about your works in Hei's dagger ?? o____o
I'm seraching for a really good replica of the Darker Than Black Hei Daggers very long.
Please help me! Could you make me one of Heis daggers? If you would make it for me, please tell me what would it cost.
Please be my hero and answer me.
E-Mail: Satsuki.Yatouji@gmx.net
Hello, interested in making a Full-metal Replica of Hei's Blade. Your size seems to be perfect.
Would you mind to send me a rough dimensional sketch? Must not to bee THAT accurate just roughly the dimensions of the Blade.
Send it to DaRealFalk5T@googlemail.com
I would be glad if you had that spare time.
Great work .. sorry but could you give me the sizes of knives ??
How much do you charge to make these Dagger replicas? Email me at kp5767@gmail.com and let me know. I'd love a pair!
Hello. Extremely Nice work done. I know you may not want to disclose this information but i just want to try making these dagger's as a try out.
Could i ask you for the materials needed and the dimensions you used? Thanks.
Hey, I've been looking through all your work on this site and I've very impressed. I'm in school to become a Graphic Designer and I also love making props for the costumes I go to conventions in. So far I've made a Pyramid Head helmet, his Great Knife, and I'm currently working on a Hei cosplay. I’ve got the knives made of balsa wood epoxysculpt and I’m working on the mask. I'm fairly new to making props and I'm not nearly at the caliber you are but I was wondering if you could give me any advice on where to get a good start and materials so I can make better props for myself and possibly get into the field? If you can my e-mail is:
I’d really appreciate any information you could give me if you have the time.
Thank you
Hey man I know you said you aren't taking any requests for right now but how much did you sell these for? If it was within my price range you'll be hearing from me as soon as you're available cause these are amazing! If you could email me with the price whenever you have the time that would be awesome! My email is josborn@valornet.com
Thanks a lot! Excellent work!
amazing work,wil u sell it on ebay?
Dam, would it be possible to pay you to make me a pair of those?
can i buy 2 from you plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz iam in hawaii and 8days from Halloween so iam making a darker than black hei costume from scratch i waS going to use resin for the mask but iam going with plaster of paris and lol play do as the mold i will make the knife out of wood the only thing is the string to make it go out freely but to have puonds of fource pulling it back wish i had your knives look awesome great job see ya
wow just amaising , you are an artist , good work
Very cool. These are some of my favorite weapons.
Beautiful work on the daggers, and the proportions are perfect. Definitely a great work.
If you're not taking requests right now, but if you do start I was planning on doing a Hei cosplay at Anime on Display next February and I was wondering if you could make a pair for me with possibly the sheaths.
Here's my email if you would like further information. If its within my spending budget I will definitely go for it.
These daggers are amazingly crafted, and I would like to buy a pair. How much do they cost, and what are the specifications? If your up to it, email me at snoregore@yahoo.com
Hey! Awesome work! I was planning to make these same knives on my own, but, would you mind sending me the instructions and materials needed for this? This would be my first time EVER doing this, but I do have a whole lot of time.
My email is: cheeseburger.javy@gmail.com
Your help would be really really appreciated! :D
Hello, first of all awesome work, i'm very impressed! I'm planning to make a pair of these myself. so my question is, do you have a stencil with the sizes, the help would really be appreciated. And if your selling a pair i'd also be interested! My email is: Akuusan@gmail.com
how much would you charge for one of these fully painted? (non worn out). if u would be sdo kind as to sell me one email me at NearLawliet.00@gmail.com
I would like one also. I'd like it non worn out too! If it's up for sale please e-mail me. Rumblefish87@gmail.com
Hi, looking at buying Hei's daggers. Are you making any that are for sale?
. said...
I fully understand your the kind of guy that wants people to be inspired to do the DIY kinda thing. But from the tools you used... There isn't any way I could get something like this done in a single month. Xander.manuel@gmail.com if your interested in making another worn pair for sale. I'd also want them sized to fit my body type so it doesn't look like I'm lugging around lightsabers/swords. Thanks!
Say my good man, minus a slightly off shape, what do you think of mine?
your work is just exquisite. i was thinking of making a pair myself. could you help me by sending the dimensions to this email. i thank you in advance.
Hey, i wan buy this, please inbox me at ZYNXZATRIX@YAHOO.COM /. THis Facebook account email, inbox ya
Hi i was looking for Hei's daggers online today and i came across your wonderfully made ones, i was wondering if you were still taking commissions for them? I have two already but they tragically broke apart :( so i am looking for a new sturdier pair. I don't trust myself to make them personally so if you don't mind please send me an email at Prozport@bellsouth.net Thank you :)
I was wondering if these were for sale if one was could you please email me the price and details to herro.moose@gmail.com
i would really appreciate it i just need the blades to finish my hei costume and i wont have the time to make one before my next con.
I'D like to buy three of them if you sell them so I would really appreciate if you could make a price for those , email me : patrick.lauzon94@hotmail.com
wawww niceeeeeeeeeeee love it
I have a few questions.
1)Is it possible to make a real pair? Can you make me a working set? Real steel blades that can actually be used as a knife?
2)If you can, How much would it cost?
Or alternatively, If you can't make a working pair, do you know anyone that can?
I would appreciate it if you could contact me at
These are totally awesome!! I'd totally buy a pair! Would you be able to email me the specs? Email me back at jimbrule28@gmail.com if possible.
Hi first i would like to say that is some amazing work. I'd like to know how much it would cost to commission you to make another pair?
email: www.enigma213@yahoo.com
Holy crows...everyone and their brother wants a pair of these knives...good work! (By the way, I'm one of Everyone's brothers as well. stonethomas89@gmail.com >.>)
Hello, i really want to make these blades myself. Will it be possible if you could send me the dimensions of the Blade.
my email is fredericklau9@gmail.com. thank you
Would you be willing to make another set?
Just wondering if I could get any information such as dimensions off you too ^^, mainly just wondering what sort of primer to use after the bondo and the dimensions of the dagger.
Email is Jeegarshah92@gmail.com
Hey, like many others I would like to purchase a set of these. If you would be willing to make and sell me a set then please e-mail me the details about price, how to pay, date when they might be ready, etc.
My e-mail is: eglerjwork@hotmail.com
Thank you so much,
Hello there, I would like to purchase Hei's dagger, but before that let's settle the price.
email me @ kenwansy@gmail.com
Hello! Like all these other people I'm very interested in getting a pair of these daggers. I would like to know what materials you would be willing to make these out of?
More importantly, how much would you charge to make them?
Please email me at colleeflower97@aol.com
Thank you in advance!
I would also like to know the price of Hei's daggers please. I would appreciate it very much if you could email the price to me at: huntermackey52@gmail.com
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