So, one day I decided to make a Portal gun. It turns out the internet really likes Portal, and also really likes my gun.
UPDATE: I have a new entry for a rebuild of this project, which goes into more detail. Click HERE for that write up!
I made this for my girlfriend Emily, who will be cosplaying as an Aperture Science test subject at DragonCon 2009. I have been approached by many people about making duplicates, and I will be making 5 more.
EDIT: These have ALL been claimed, and I will not be producing any more than 5.
Truthfully, a LOT of people want these things, and as much as I could just make a never ending string of portal guns, it would diminish the uniqueness of the piece. It would be a stretch to call my work art, but it is a very accurate replica, and keeping the production numbers low will make the existing models even more rare and unique to their owners. The final gun, #5, will be auctioned off to the public upon its completion. Gun #2 may also be available for auction, but this will depend on whether or not the charity organization I've offered it to gets back to me or not. The reason these are being auctioned is to make sure that anyone who wants a shot at getting one has that opportunity
The 5 replicas will be finished in early October, as I have a lot of other commissions ahead of them right now. When guns #2 and #5 go up for sale, I will be posting a blog entry as well as a link to their auctions.
For anyone that's curious about how I did it, follow along:
I started with 3" and 4" sizes of PVC pipe and cut them into the shape of the black "barrel" of the gun. Both pieces got U-shaped cut outs on the top and were epoxied together. The gaps were filled in with apoxie sculpt and sanded to shape. After some bondo work and a lot of sanding, I had this:

This gives a better idea of the shape of the cuts, this is after another guide coat and a small application of bondo to fix some other smoothing issues:

And sanded down from the above stage:

The center chamber was made out of a mail-order lexan tube and an acrylic plunger handle. The black discs are cut from ABS and have more ABS plastic wedges epoxied onto them to give the texture you see inside the gun chamber:

The circuitry was a little annoying. I wanted the gun to light up blue and orange, as well as have red prongs as shown in-game. 27 LEDs or so later, toss in few resistors and diodes, and a 3-position switch, and voila:

The white casings were the next hurdle to tackle. I had intended to make them out of carved pink insulation foam, but had some issues with solvents and melting of the foam... which goes to show you NEVER trust an online tutorial on something until you try it for yourself. In the end I sculpted these out of green dry florist's foam as more a matter of a time crunch than anything else. Seems to have worked out in my favor though:

I also added 2 sections of 4" PVC couplings to the back of the barrel to act as the larger rear portion. These were epoxied to one another and the seam filled with bondo:

Scale test (Emily is 5' tall even) The foam was covered in Wonderflex plastic, and the edges lined with apoxie sculpt for definition. You can see this in the front casing below

After this, the casings were painted with several layers of high-build primer to hide the texture of the wondeflex, and the gun was guide-coated, wet-sanded, and top-coated.

The claws were made out of ABS plastic, PVC for the thicker base pieces, and carved apoxie sculpt for the triangular ends. Here they are on a test-fit

The front casing was wired for red LEDs and top-coated in gloss white paint. Each coat was wet-sanded with 2000 grit paper before a gloss clearcoat.

Another test assembly

Once I had final fitment sorted out, I connected all the appropriate leads to the circuitboard

First "test-fire"

A necessary detail was the "Aperture Science" side logos and barcode. I used water-slide decals with clear backing for this. The files were created in Photoshop and printed onto water-slide decal paper on a laser printer

Finished product!

The final touch was some light weathering, and a blood spatter from an errant turret round. Anyone thats played Portal knows you are bound to get tagged by one of those things eventually!

Finished shots, and one of the gun in action!

More pictures available on my Flickr page - thanks for reading!

Damn that's sweet, glad to see the science got done.
You could sell that to Sheldon Cooper from 'The Big Bang Theory!'
Truly incredible!
You are a hero for this. ;-) This is sooo great. I love Portal!
is there any way to buy them you should make them and sell them get a contract with the game company to make them to sell
I'd be interested in purchasing one, but I'm sure the price and demand are extremely high.
"I will be making 5 more. 4 of these have already been spoken for."
Does that mean there is one that doesn't have a home yet?
If so, how much would you be willing to sell it for?
I will be getting my tax refund in the next few days, so I'm sure I'll have plenty of money to spare on something as amazing as this.
Mr. Krix,
That looks f'n awesome!!
Can we work out a deal for me to get one? How much are the materials? Please send me an email on my blog. "Random Room of Random Randomness"
Thats increadable, you have some talent there!!
There is no cake!
You are a genius man. Great work.
A note about the 5 duplicates:
3 will be going to individuals, and 2 will be auctioned. One is (hopefully) going to be a part of the "Child's Play" charity auction event later this year. The other will be auctioned to the public, and I will be posting when that last one goes up for sale.
Hi. I'm Jim Parsons. You may recognise me as Sheldon Cooper from the hit TV show The Big Bang Theory. I was wondering if you would like to swap a Portal gun for a napkin that Leonard Nimoy once used?
Email me!
P.S Seriously dude, you have amazing skills and I hear that Valve themselves will be receiving one of the guns. You Sir, are truly amazing.
*Awesome*. That is all.
Two words: Bad. Ass.
Maybe I'm a deviant but FUCK THE GUN, the girls is really eatable.
damn! ur master ^^
how much coast portal gun?
Mostly impressive!
Really amazing!
GJ :)
you, sir, made me weak in the loins when i came across this blog. Bravo! Bravo!
Really really kool! it looks amazing! You should just do a whole bunch of game props if u have the time. Kratos blades from god of war would be what I would want! Sounds like a really kool hobby! Keep up the good work!
Still one of the best DIY projects on the intarwebs. During the robot uprising, I'm sure you will be followed by geeks just like Gordan Freeman is.
Pretty freakin' amazing, can't wait to see the next projects you work on!
how much would you take to make me a mini Back To The Future DeLorean? one that lights up and rolls when pushed?
And I saw this a month or two ago, and I dropped my jaw in aw and fell backwards
Awesome! I'm having a geek attack! May I recommend Samus' Power Beam Cannon from Metroid as a potential project? <3
This is perfection! Great stuff!!
When is the auction? I'd be willing to bid on it.
O.o wow... I don't know if I could build that, ever. XD But one day... I may just try. o.o Man, you're freakin' awesome... o.O
you are inspiring!!!!
do you think you could add the dimension in a detailed DYI...
maybe you could email it to people that pay you something like X dollars via paypal. That would be awesome! I would totally pay to get that!
How much would you sell that for? (if you need to make a new one could you make it without the blood stain?)
Dude, you are awesome.
I would love to see you make a Companion Cube!
What did you use for the bloodsplatter?
Looks like orange juice...
I like the LED Lighting job you've done hear. It seems very Complex
any further info on the auction date for the last one?
if u could e-mail me the details that'd be appreciated :)
I saw your girlfriend AND her terrific Portal costume at D*C this year. Your gun was astounding; I've never seen anything like it. Good work, both of you!
Wow it looks amazing , I love the lighting effects. Job well done!
One word, ...::: Beautiful :::... Wow, I am really blown away by this. When I get time, I would love to have a blast at making one of these myself.
Well, I'm currently looking for a job, so I couldn't possibly afford to purchase an auctioned one by the time I get hired. It's not fair... Of course I sound whiney, but can you blame me? This gun is frickin' AWESOME! Ah well... In my opinion, there should be 10 of them labeled 00 through 09. If that were the case, I think it would be cool to make gun 0 have inverted colour... I'm being unnecessarily open, but I'm an abnormally contemplative person... anyway, I want one, but won't get one. Life is funny... Maybe I was born too soon or too late... (contemplativeness again). Anyway, keep up the good work. You'll probably hear from me in a few years or so to ask for a commission. Umm... I guess that's really all I have to say (well not really, but if I were to write it all down, it would be way too long). I wish I had your skill...... and workshop...
Wow you sound pathetic ^^^
This is a triumph. I'm making a note here: Huge Success.
Ridiculously cool. AMAZING
Dude you should have made a projector that made portals from the game onto walls and make it change when you push each button
Wow, its Amazing. i think i should ask you to make a Replica Breitling prototype for me.
excellent work :-)
Mr. Krix,
I do not want to cause you any inconveniences. You must watch the Purchase Brothers' Half-Life short-film "Escape From City 17 - Part One". You might prove a useful asset to their production, as well as to Valve.
Please click the following link:
do you still have the dimensions for it i'd like to recreate one just as something cool to have in my room
i am going to attempt to build this and maybe more so i can sell them. and i agree with comment 45 or Noah i would like the dimensions for it if you would be so kind. btw great work that thing is amazing!!!! i wonder if you have an xbox live gamertag. e-mail me at mxpklx@gmail.com. btw im not denise
Most impressive! :D
I would love to have one of my own. Please make one for me?
Lol I know that's not going to happen. Which is why I'm going to try and make the Portal gun myself. I'm only 15. I hope I can make it good. My dad is pretty good at this stuff so I guess I could get some good help. Would you be able to send all measurements of the Portal gun?
Hi, I absolutely love that! It is an amazingly accurate prop! How much would it cost for you to make one and ship it to me? I would be most grateful if you could send me an email at: popscilover@gmail.com
Awesome! I would love to make one and probably will try... but I haven't really done anything like this before. I would love some more details is you have the time.
Hey, I just learned about you making a replica of the portal gun and I must say Bravo! Anyway, I know you aren't making any more so I was wondering if I could have some instructions, or just the dimensions, so I could take shot of making a rougher version of yours. Please email me at fawful153@gmail.com.
If i was you i would get some licence to mass produce these as Portal Items hey you could make alot of money from it
You should take a stab at making the gravity gun from Half Life 2, The design is somewhat the same.
how much would it cost
you should seriously get this patented with vavle
My son is a huge fan of Portal and has mastered the game including Prelude at age 5. He will probably be a game programmer when he gets older. His mind is very sharp. He has autism and we have made him portal guns out of milk cartons and poster tubes. He Loves (capitol L) the game. We cannot wait until Portal 2 comes out in October. If you can help me getting one of your portal guns he would lose his mind. I certainly understand that its not a toy but if he could just hold it for a short time he would be ecstatic!! How can we persuade you to part with one or at least visit to get Conner to hold one for a couple of minutes? I would be willing to fund the cost of a build. Contact us and let me know if we can make this come to fruition at SchoolofMarvin@gmail.com
Thanks for your attention in this matter.
nice, now you need to make one that rly works!
Thank you for sharing your pictures of your props. They're all amazing!
My fiance and I are making Portal cosplays for this year and we've been following your blog for ideas. I know you're probably very busy, but if you have any suggestions or tips, they would be greatly appreciated, especially on the springheels. I've figured out most of the leg cuffs, but I have no clue as for what to use for the spring parts or how, if possible, they'll support any weight.
Oh well. Thanks again for sharing.
You, sir, have made something amazing! My jaw dropped. If possible, could you email me a copy of the dimensions you used? I'm going to try to make one, and having dimensions would be very helpful.
This realy is amazing. If you could, will you post the dimensions you used? Me and my dad are going to try and make one. Thanks.
This Was a Triumph, i wish i could make one or afford to buy one.
Really man? only 5? that is just mean. I would kill for one of those things.
man if you made that into a universal remote every man in the world would throw out his remote and use that baby! :{D>
hi im the one that sent you the e-mail a few days ago but then a came across this site and saw that you were making no more so i was wondering if you could send more detailed instructions to me im doing a real life portal thing for my ICT class(with after affects)and i need a portal gun prop also what size LED'S did you use cos im going to get the LED'S today from maplins(by size a mean like: 5mm,8mm,10mm)so please send me then ASAP!!
e-mail: 08pepperj@towers.kent.sch.uk
Unbelievable. You, *subject name here,* must be the pride of *subject hometown here.*
I think you should try to make a personality core and/or a turret. you are amazing!
@Dan+†+ The games release date has been delayed till 2011, i know i'm disappointed too.
i lost mine when i pressed a funny button at apacer !! plz i need a replacement!!
You are truly an artist. Now if we can just get the quantum mechanics worked out we can have some real fun ;-)
Omg that is AWESOME!!! Valve should sell these.
I would pay some serious money for that.
I'm from Germany
My name is Luke and I wanted to ask if you could send me a technical report or a construction management?
Yours sincerely,
Luke Mührke (lmuehrke@me.com)
WOW amazing, what did you use for the 3 cables running from the back to the prong? I'm trying my own project and they look spot on.
Great job, man. Really. This is very impressive work. Thanks so much for posting instructions and progress shots. Very inspirational!
make Gordon Freeman's suit
umm vital question is the picture second from the bottom the prop you made or an in-game pic? email me scottatkinson8@hotmail.com
all of the pictures at the bottom are of the prop
This is an absolutely stunning replica. The finish is just incredible. I'm considering building my own, but I'm having trouble finding any suitable PVC pipe. Could you advise what type of PVC pipe is used? With such thick walls it seems like high pressure pipe. Thanks for your time. Chris
Hey, I'm also going to build my own one of these, but first I must know what the project would cost.
this.. is.. AWESOME!!
Bravo for an awesome job!
DEAR Mr. Krix,
I am curious to know how much this fantastic project cost for you in materials. Because you see, I am interested in making a replica myself; as close as possible to the original. However please don't feel like the originality of your product will be endangered because it will never (I am but an amateur). Also I'm only planning on making this for my own selfish purposes.
One last thing: would the the circuitry be difficult to a noob?
Noodle Beast
As for the first comment, screw Sheldon... sell it to me!
First, i would like to ask if you mind someone using your plans. If not, i would LOVE to build myself one, but your plans kinda jump into the middle and i wondered if you had a more specific set of plans you could send me. If not I'll attempt to build it from this.
P.S> i also realize you are incredibly busy, but if you have time...
Hey, I love this thing and I was wondering if you could email me instructions on how to make it. Also, I am a fan of the game Half Life and i was wondering if you could give making the gravity gun a shot. Thanks!
This was a triumph.
I am making a note here: HUGE SUCCESS
It's hard to understate my satisfaction.
If you could make a more illustrated step by step, you would be my hero.
Your girlfriend and that gun,
could you please send me the dimensions (as thoroughly as you feel comfortable) which you used to create this (and maybe a rough estimation of material cost, too)? It would really be helpful~I actually made a Companion Cube about 2 weeks ago, and I've got a little too much free time... :3
It would be great if you could, it would really get me motivated to actually pull this off!
Thanks in advance,
How muck did it cost to make just one of these?
Damn. >.>
I would pay 200$ for one of these. O.o
Would you mind sending me directions and/ or blueprints so I could make this myself? My email is chris_7086@yahoo.com Tnx in advance
Your work is amazing, is really inspiring. I would love to make one of those by myself. So if isnt too much trouble, would you mind sending me directions and/ or blueprints? My email is izlude77@hotmail.com.
Thank you very much!. I'll send you some pics if i done it right! Thanks again!.
I've never built anything before to be honest, but I would love to try and build this! if you could maybe send directions to me also my email is ama.blue.skies@gmail.com.
Great job on an amazing Portal gun!!
Please make some more portal guns
Did you add the sound effect when you shoot it? The *WHUMP* sound it makes? If so, I envy you. <3
This is absolutely amazing!!! I am thinking of cosplaying As a test subject and this inspired me to make my own. would you be able to send me some info on it? (how must estimated the materials costed dimensions, designe pics ect.? ) that would be so cool, please email me!
How much would you like for you to make one for me
Hi is there anyway on gods green earth i can convince you to make me a portal gun?! Or at least make me the l.e.d circuits?!
Im in a massive need to a portal gun for a cosplay in 2012 and want to attempt to make one myself but its hard to even think where to start!
^^^^^ I agree with Vanilla.
I am planning on cosplaying as Chell from portal 2. I need a portal gun to do so. Would it be possible for you to email me the dimensions and pics you used for this project? It is something I'd like to try my hand at making. I'd very much appreciate it.
hi im interested in this or something like it, ill pay &150+ for a replica portal gun with no lights or sound please consider my email is...
please get back to me
im planning to try and make one, but using an arduino Uno to control the lights and sounds (and maybe even a small servo to make the twitch that we sometimes see in game)
I have no prop making skills... I wish you were making more I would so buy it... I am making a Chell costume for Dragon Con. I might have commission a friend or a prop shop. Let's face it I have only skill in photography. I shoes won't be hard but the gun is a feat I cannot accomplish.
Please my son's birthday is in a month and he makes movies i just got him a better camera but now he needs props i will pay anything so he can have this he really wants to make a portal movie he's in love with the game message me at myersd98@gmail.com
Wow dude, that is one sweet portal gun.
I've linked to this post in your blog from my blog:
Keep up the awesome work man.
ok,I'm a 15 year old teenager that really into Portal, I just wanna say that it would be an honor for me to have a replica of the ASHPD , so I would really appreciate if could consider me. ishmael_torres@hotmail.com
note: if u don't believe me check my facebook
I am a little confused about how you work the foam and wonderflex. Do you make the mold over the edges and then create bottom and glue them together or do you cover the foam keeping it with in?
OR! Do you cover the foam with the wonder flex then make a mold from it?
I know it sounds dumb but I would like to not be sitting in my corner giving up.
Thats a fucking nice thing
Hello, I was wondering if you could post some more detailed instructions or schematics for those interested in following in your footsteps. Also, some advice on molding the foam would be greatly appreciated :)
Dang! I really wanted one I'm a major portal fan and I wish I found this page when you were making the five :( I don't have any of the tools or the skills to make this so I've been looking for someone to sell one to me but I know it's gonna be expensive:( Oh well
dude make turret or companion cube
Sell some, Please?
Because I want one SO badly!
As a lot of DIYers have asked do you happen to have any more detail instructions (foam molding, what LEDs you used, the black tubing wires, barrel of the gun). I think this is great and would love to make one. If you could send me any data you have on this I would appreciate it.
I can see why you made that gun for your girl. With a face like that, I'd do anything as well!
two and a half years later i doubt you are still on here but on the off chance you are, i would like a little more detailed tutorial at joelargetuna@gmail.com thanks
Wow... just wow. I wish I could've taken place in that auction. I'd love to see a video of your process.
Do you still make these and sell them? If so, I want one!
much the same as joelargetuna i'd really like a more detailed tutorial :D tsubasa1334@gmail.com
send those pics to valve see if you can make a deal, also might wanna try a companion cube or turret
Hey Im using this as a guide in building my own. So far I have the middle tube cut and apoxied and I have carved but not yet covered the foam shells. I want mine to light up(thank God for tech savy friends) and was wondering how you did the light on the end of the barrel. Was it just a bunch of led's behind a plastic/plexyglass circle? Also how did you get the electronics from inside the larger shell to the end? Was it through the wires or did you feed them between the gap in the 3 and 4 inch pipes? I Hope mine comes looking almost as good as yours!
How much money do you want for this gun ?
I want one!!! how much?
So...should I make the check out to cash?? No, seriously...I want that thing SO BAD!!!! Are you willing to sale it?
That is so good. I made my Portal cosplay in a rush--one week before the convention. It came out decent, but I'm planning on fine tuning it by remaking my jumpsuit and tweaking my gun. This definitely helps. Thanks a billion times over! <3
hey can you put up measurement for the gun itself and the clear tube? thank you
also where can i get the clear tubing and what are the measurements for the gardeners foam you carved PLEASE RESPOND!!! Thanks.
how lucky is your girlfriend!! :D
I know you get this question a lot but i just had to ask: how much would u want to be able to build me one of these? Honestly i know i sound selfish cuz i know u have ur own life and things to do and probably dont have any time to make all these for people who ask for them on here but i just thought id ask anyways on the slim chance ud say yes haha! see the reason i ask is because i dont have time nor the money to go out and buy the parts to make this myself (which I'd love to do if i could). Anyways if you ever feel like making one more for little old me then give me a ring or email me so we can talk about it ok? when u want post on here and ill give u my contact info :) if not thats fine cuz no matter what ur still an awesome sculpter and artist cuz this gun is sweet! :D
How much for the portal gun? Let me know. Thanks, Chad cskabronski@yahoo.com
Hello. I'm sure you've gotten this question a million times now, but how much money for the portal gun? Please email me when you get the chance miadurrego@gmail.com
Hello, can you email me the cost for a portal gun. Thanks. j_contra@yahoo.com.
Hi there, I'm actually working on making my own portal gun and have been using this as a reference guide. I was wondering however what dimensions did you use for the shells and lexan tube? You can contact me here at jaicyms.jpg@gmail.com if you care to answer. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you.
can you please email me the dimensions at jaymeaweston@yahoo.com.... I have been trying to make one, but i cannot get mine to look right...... so if you can, it would be greatly appreciated, thank you
and she made a neat gun
what dimension was the lexan tube?
Great job, Really. This is very impressive work. How much the cost of this portol gun.
dude, you are awesome! your props are amazing! i have a friend who makes props but he is not nearly as good as you!
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